A Daedra's Best Friend (Clavicus Vile): kill Barbas or spare him. Sinding will turn hostile if spells, including non-hostile ones such as healing spells, are cast at him. Kill the great beast: I've met Sinding, a werewolf who the Daedric Lord Hircine has punished … The objective at this point is to wander through the walkways until Sinding is met in a clearing he will speak to the player from his perch on a rock outcropping. Ill Met by Moonlight/Bloated Man's Grotto - posted in Skyrim Mod Troubleshooting: Dont know where else to post this, I have tried the USSEP comments to see if anyone had encountered this issue. It is possible to return to Bloated Man's Grotto with a follower and use the console command. Hircine will also tell you to hurry, as there are other hunters in the grotto competing for his favor. If killed you must wait for the dungeon to respawn. So, I found him, but accidentally exited the dialog before I could tell him whether I was going to help him or not. 18 April 2021 skyrim ill met by moonlight kill or spare